Total Matching Records found : 6565

Dismal: State of the World's Children 2011

A good marker of a country’s progress is the environment in which its children grow up.  Prevalence of malnutrition, hunger, unhygienic surroundings and forced child labour cost a country dearly in terms of its real growth. The State of the World's Children 2011 report shows how little is being invested in the future citizens of our world. The theme of this year’s report is “Adolescence: An Age of Opportunity” and...

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Union Budget has ignored children, say NGOs

Child rights groups have expressed disappointment over the Union Budget for ignoring the needs of millions of children. A statement issued by Haq, a child rights group, said an initial run-through of the allocations showed a minimal increase for protection of “aam bachcha” and a drop in the allocation for the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) that set the tone for all protection measures. The overall increase in the percentage of the...

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The siren song of cash transfers by Jayati Ghosh

Cash transfers cannot and should not replace the public provision of essential goods and services, but rather supplement them. Cash transfers are the latest fad of the international development industry, as the preferred strategy for poverty reduction. And now Indian policymakers are busy catching up. The idea was mooted in the Government's Economic Survey for 2010-11, and the Finance Minister made an explicit announcement in his budget speech for replacing some...

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Limbless singer gives voice to India's rural poor by Beatrice Le Bohec

Bant Singh, a scarred survivor of class violence in rural India, has an indisputable claim to be a voice for India's impoverished and muted millions. The folk singer lost both arms and a leg in an attack five years ago after he dared to challenge high-caste landlords in his area of the northwestern state of Punjab who had raped his 17-year-old daughter. Set upon by a gang armed with iron bars, he...

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Nanny retreats? Health, education outlay more than NREG & Rural by Anubhuti Vishnoi & Ravish Tiwari

For the first time since the launch of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in the 2005-06 fiscal, the combined plan outlay for the Ministries of HRD and Health has surpassed that of the Department of Rural Development, which administers doles like the NREGS, old age pension and rural housing grants to the poor. The UPA regime has for the first time cut outlay — by about 2 per cent...

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