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Schools multiplied by 27 per cent between 2002-09, says NCERT survey -Aarti Dhar

-The Hindu A fifth of all primary schools had no drinking water facility in the period surveyed There was an increase of 26.77 per cent in the total number of schools in the country between 2002 and 2009, according to a national survey. The maximum growth rate was witnessed in upper primary schools (49.15 per cent) followed by higher secondary schools (46.80 per cent), secondary by 28.95 and primary by 16.68 per...

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Enrolment of girls at primary level goes up: NCERT

-Governance Now All India Education Survey is the most comprehensive national-level survey covering the school education system A survey conducted by the NCERT shows an impressive growth in the enrolment of girl students in schools. The eighth all India education survey (AIES) by NCERT for 2002-09 shows the enrolment at primary stage stood at 48.13 percent but came down to 42.56 percent at higher secondary stage. Similar trend is observed in...

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Govt to spend 2kcr on rural health infra

-The Times of India MUMBAI: The state government will spend Rs2,000 crore over the next five years to build health infrastructure across rural Maharashtra. Sources said the government is scouting for land to set up a 300-bed super specialty hospital in the eastern and western suburbs of Mumbai. Currently, there is no such hospital in the suburbs. Nearly 42 trauma care centres are to be set up along national and state highways The rural...

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Learning to teach -S Giridhar

-The Indian Express ASER’s findings highlight the dismal state of school education. Improving teacher training programmes could lead to better outcomes I remember Rukmini Banerji of Pratham telling us in 2005 that ASER the Annual Status of Education Report — will be a national survey that will hold up a mirror to the condition of education in India and shake us into urgent action. For nine years now, every January, ASER is...

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'Schools lack enough urinals, playgrounds'

-The Times of India PANAJI: Over 2.50 lakh students are enrolled in Goa's schools from Class I to XII, but facilities like playgrounds and usable urinals are still lacking in the state's institutions, reveals the eighth all India school education survey of the National council of educational research and training ( NCERT), released this week. Only 460 primary schools have a playground of the 1,024 institutions in Goa and only 739 have...

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