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The High Growth Farce -Sanjay Kapoor

-Hard News They know little of the taste of meat. For their monotonous daily food they have nothing but a little khichri, made of ‘green pulse’ mixed with rice, which is cooked with water over a little fire until the moisture has evaporated, and eaten hot with butter in the evening; in the daytime they munch a little parched pulse or other grain, which they say suffices for their lean stomachs,”...

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Her hard work bears fruit -Rani Devalla

-The Hindu VISAKHAPATNAM: DWCRA member makes strides by sellingfruit juice concentrates. Initially, she started off with just a couple of fruit juices using mango and guava pulp. A couple of decades ago, G. Bhagya Lakshmi was striving hard to make both ends meet with her husband Raghavendra Rao’s meagre income. Today, she earns Rs.2-3 lakh a month by making homemade juice concentrates. Hailing from Bandarulanka in East Godavari district, Bhagya Lakshmi attributes the...

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Drought-resistant paddy variety comes in handy -Rajiv Ajjibal

-The Hindu The variety is locally known as ‘Damberasali’ SIRSI (Karnataka): Amid reports of paddy crops affected by a deficient monsoon in Malnad this year, a young farmer in Hakkalkeri near Bedasgaon in Mundgod taluk is cultivating a rare variety that is drought resistant. Maryappa Choudappa Naik, a young farmer of Hakkalkeri brought 25 kg of ‘Raksha 10.5’ variety of paddy seeds from the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and noticed during the harvest that...

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Incentivize pulses production to check spiralling prices

The low rate of inflation of 3.88 percent in Consumer Food Price Index during September, 2015 actually hides the high prices at which various pulses (dal) are available in kirana / retail shops across India. In terms of Consumer Price Index (combined), monthly rate of inflation in pulses and products during September 2015 (over September last year) stood at 29.76 percent as compared to the overall monthly retail inflation of...

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Thanks to reservation, more women will get plum posts in Karnataka -Nagesh Prabhu

-The Hindu More women will be recruited to top jobs in various Karnataka government departments, with the hike in reservation for women at 33 per cent from the present 30 per cent. Currently, the percentage of women employees in ‘A’ and ‘B’ categories is well-short of the level prescribed by the new reservation policy. Women in ‘A’ category jobs such as Senior Assistant Directors and Deputy Directors were at 22.47 per cent...

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