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Grim scenario in ‘Food Bowl of India’ forces govt to Turn east by Devesh Kumar

THE fast-depleting groundwater levels and subsidised electricity supply to farmers in Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh spell doom for agriculTural productivity in the region regarded as the “Food Bowl of India”, and has prompted the government to Turn its gaze towards the eastern region for fulfilling its food security ambitions. A background note drafted by the department of agriculTure and cooperation (DoAC) for the two-daylong workshop on the theme...

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Human Rights Watch seeks law against honour killings

A global human rights organisation Monday appealed to the central government to enact strict laws to check honour killings and ensure prosecution of those involved in caste-based violence. The US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said murders to protect the 'honour' of a family or a community have increased in the recent months in Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. This religion-based, caste-based violence should be stopped by taking stern action against local...

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Proposal called for doubling NREG man-days, Finance said no by Gunjan Pradhan Sinha

The Finance Ministry has Turned down a proposal for doubling the number of employment days guaranteed to below poverty line people under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). The Rural Development Ministry had proposed doubling the minimum days for employment from 100 to 200 days and also called for linking the wage rate to the annual inflation rate. “The Ministry had written to us asking for funds to...

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Food for a billion by Nitin Sethi

On Wednesday, the National Advisory Council Turned UPA's election promises into firm deliverables under the National Food Security Bill. That was a tough one to resolve itself. But it's a job half done as yet. The Sonia Gandhi-led NAC is now going to get into a much more difficult arena. It has to figure out provisions for the act that hold administration and bureaucracy accountable for delivery and also ensure...

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Wages of neglect

The mainstream projections about India’s economic trajectory talk of how the country’s GDP will exceed that of Japan (whose economy today is more than thrice India’s size) by 2020. A large part of this sustained growth, it is assumed, will come from what is called the demographic dividend. India’s young and growing workforce, the standard argument goes, will ensure that the country’s wage rates keep it competitive for a long...

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