-The Indian Express The steady state efficiency of healthcare needs to be raised so that crises like this one can be avoided. In any free society where terrible wrongs exist, some are guilty; all are responsible.” While these words of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel ring true for many social and political ills that appall us, they are also a timely reminder of our collective responsibility to correct the pathetic state of...
IFPRI report shows under-nutrition has fallen
The country has made significant gains in raising the rate of exclusive breastfeeding among infants from 46 to 65 percent between 2005-06 and 2013-14. This has been revealed by the 2015 Global Nutrition Report, which was released by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in September. The report has quoted preliminary data on nutrition, which was collected via the Rapid Survey on Children (RSOC) in 29 states by the...
More »Mother-child healthcare improves, thanks to ICDS
-The Hindu Salem (Tamil Nadu): The successful functioning of the anganwadi centres being run under Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) have helped over 3.18 lakh children to improve their healthcare in the district. Officials said that there are 2,696 anganwadi centres in all the 22 blocks in the district. Supplementary nutrition, immunisation, health check-up, referral services, pre-school non-formal education and nutrition and health education are rendered to adolescent girls in the age...
More »What has gone wrong in Marathwada? -Dr. B Venkateswarlu
-Goverance Now A little stress on water management, cropping methods, research programmes and policies can help coping with droughts Marathwada of Maharashtra comprising eight districts (Aurangabad, Jalna, Parbhani, Nanded, Latur, Beed, Osmanabad and Hingoli) is traditionally a drought-prone region. The situation has worsened with rainfall deficiency for three consecutive years. Rainfall deficit for 2014 was 45 percent, this was followed by a deficit of more than 50 percent in many districts...
More »40 crores unorganized workers to get UWIN (Unorganized Workers Identification Number) says Bandaru Dattatreya, Union Minister for Labour and Employment
-National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI) Press Release New Delhi, 18 September 2015: With work and social protection emerging as a major focus area, an awareness-cum-multi stake holder dialogue programme for workers of unorganized sectors was jointly conducted by NIDAN and National Union of Informal workers (NUIW) here on Friday. Speaking at the inaugural session of the one-day colloquium on National Workshop of Informal Workers; Laws, Policies & Organizing for...
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