Total Matching Records found : 8835

Nearly 25% govt schools in Odisha have no toilets -Ashok Pradhan

-The Times of India BHUBANESWAR: Toilets, electricity, playgrounds and boundary walls are a rarity in government-run schools in Odisha, if a latest government report is any indication. According to "Status of Elementary and Secondary Education in Odisha-2012", a report prepared by Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA) released recently, of the total 53,193 elementary schools (up to class VIII), 12,588 schools have no toilets at all. More than 50% schools (27,516) have no...

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Healthy and sustainable food systems key to fighting hunger, UN agency says

-The United Nations Healthy people need healthy and sustainable food systems, the United Nations said today said calling for agricultural research and development to become more focused on nutrition, as well as local biodiversity and diversified farming systems. "Our common approach to food production is simply not sustainable today, or in 2050, when we will have to provide food for a population of 9.6 billion people," said FAO Deputy Director-General Helena Semedo...

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Is chemical the culprit? -Dinesh C Sharma

-Down to Earth   Scientists in Bihar find a plausible link between pesticides and breast cancer "There were no apparent risk factors. I had no family history of breast cancer, married early, had a baby whom I breastfed. Above all, I followed a healthy lifestyle. The only thing that could have led to my cancer could be environmental factors-exposure to pesticide residues through food and pollution," narrated Niti, a young breast cancer survivor,...

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Education quality worsens under UPA: ASER - Prashant K Nanda

-Live Mint UPA govt hasn't succeeded in improving learning outcomes in India's schools, says the report New Delhi: Despite levying a tax to fund education and enacting a law to ensure access to education for all children between the ages of 6 and 14, the government hasn't succeeded in improving learning outcomes in India's schools, according to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) published on Wednesday. The quality of learning-as measured...

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Can benefits be tied to the vote? -Mark Schneider

-The Hindu Business Line Clientelism - tying benefits to political choices - cannot work because voting preferences cannot be ascertained. Do parties and their local agents link access to government services and benefits from government welfare schemes to how voters vote, or are expected to vote? This political strategy, which social scientists refer to as clientelism, depends on a massive investment in local leaders who collect information on voters' party preferences, vote choices...

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