Total Matching Records found : 6102

Minimum solace price

While it may appear paradoxical that at a time when the government is fighting inflationary pressures, it has chosen to hike the minimum support price (MSP) for foodgrains, the reality is that prevailing market prices for almost all foodgrains, oilseeds and cereals are way above even these newly announced prices. Therefore, despite the substantial hike in MSP for kharif crops, especially for pulses, the impact on both market and farmers’...

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Ethiopia beckons Punjabi farmers by Amarjit Thind

Acknowledging the expertise of Punjabi farmers in making the state the “food bowl of the country”, Ethiopia now wants them to replicate this success in their country. Only 43 per cent of the total land mass of the country was currently under cultivation and the African country has invited farmers to lease huge tracts of arable land in various parts of the country and turn them into green lush fields....

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PDS kerosene seized from ashram

Seizure follows report of PDS kerosene being used for ritual by Swami Nithyananda A media report literally adding fuel to the fire resulted in Food and Civil Supplies Department officials searching the Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam ashram near Bidadi on Wednesday and seizing around 120 litres of blue kerosene meant for the public distribution system. A team of six officials confiscated the fuel from the ashram of the controversial Swami Nithyananda after the report...

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Games big corporations play by P Sainath

Bhopal marked the horrific beginning of a new era. One that signalled the collapse of restraint on corporate power.  Over 20,000 killed. Over half a million victims maimed, disabled or otherwise affected. Compensation of around Rs.12,414 per victim on average on the 1989 value of the rupee. ($470 million or Rs.713 crore. And that divided among 574,367 victims.) Over a quarter-of-a-century's wait. To see seven former officials of Union Carbide...

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Consolidation is vital by Surinder Sud

There are numerous debilitating factors that disallow Indian agriculture from growing to its potential. The most critical of them, which, ironically, are not receiving due attention, are related to land. Not only is the availability of land for farming shrinking, but its quality and fertility are also waning. Agricultural holdings are getting smaller and turning uneconomical to operate. The much-hyped land reforms have, right from the beginning, been misdirected. These have...

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