-Outlook Thiruvananthapuram: Two Malayalam films that focus on the atrocities on women have been exempted from entertainment tax by the Kerala Government as part of the campaign to create public awareness about crimes against women and children. The recently released Lisammayute Veedu, directed by Babu Janardhanan, and Ente by Rajesh Touch River, are the films that received the tax waiver, according to Local Administration Minister D M K Muneer. Lisamma tells the story...
"Don’t frame blanket law for juveniles based on one case" -Bindu Shajan Perappadan
-The Hindu Mid-January last year a fragile, dazed 14-year-old girl walked into the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences Trauma Centre here clutching what looked like a tiny bundle of clothes. Sensing something amiss, the medical staff there immediately swung into action, unfolding what was to be one of the worst reported cases of child assault by a juvenile in the country. Malnourished, pregnant and with a history of being violently abused mentally,...
More »Women’s groups want marital rape punished -Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu The old Penal Code exempts it as an offence if a wife is not under 16 Opposing the death penalty for those guilty of rape, women’s groups have demanded that marital rape, stalking and stripping be regarded as serious offences. The old Penal Code and the proposed amendments exempt marital rape as an offence if a wife is not under 16 years of age. This exemption, totally and unreasonably, ignores the...
More »Demand to reduce age of juvenility in heinous crimes unjustified, says Minna Kabir -Aneesha Mathur
-The Indian Express At a time when there’s a chorus for showing no leniency to the juvenile among the six arrested for the gangrape of the 23-year-old woman who later died in a Singapore hospital, children’s rights workers are cautioning that laws should not be bent simply because there is public outrage. Minna Kabir, voluntary children’s rights worker who has long been associated with the legal aid cell at the juvenile justice...
More »MP to blacklist sexual offenders from govt jobs
-The Times of India BHOPAL/JABALPUR: The Madhya Pradesh government is compiling a list of convicted sexual offenders to ensure that they do not get government jobs as part of a series of measures to check crimes against women in the state. A government spokesperson said a DSP rank officer will be appointed in each district to check such crimes and that charge-sheets in these cases will be filed within two weeks. There has...
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