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August wetter than thought, rains lash northern and western parts of the country-Rituraj Tiwari

-The Times of India Though El Nino concerns still loom large over the coming month, August has been wetter than expected. Rains in the last 16 days have lashed the parched fields of most parts of the country, especially the northern and western parts which were reeling under acute rain deficiency. More rains have recharged depleted reservoirs. Water level in 84 main reservoirs is at 51% of the full reservoir level, equalling...

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Indian men can be raped, not sexually harassed-Manoj Mitta

-The Times of India When it first circulated a draft Bill in 2010 to amend the rape law, the home ministry stuck to the traditional notion that men alone could commit sexual assault. But when the Cabinet cleared the Bill last month for introduction in Parliament, the offence turned "gender neutral", as revealed by a government press release.  Welcome to the brave new world of gender neutrality, in which laws increasingly no...

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We are not scared of accountability laws, says CJI-J Venkatesan

-The Hindu But don’t lose sight of judicial independence, he tells govt Chief Justice of India S.H. Kapadia, while making it clear that the judiciary was not afraid of laws to make judges accountable, cautioned the government not to tinker with its independence. “I would request the government that accountability be balanced with judicial independence.” In enacting laws, the concept of judicial independence should not be lost sight of. For, “decisional independence and...

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Govt to move SC to protect rights of tribals-Chetan Chauhan

-The Hindustan Times The Ministry of Tribal Affairs will ask the Supreme Court to review its interim order on declaring core and buffer areas in 41 tiger reserves in India after reports of tribals and forest dwellers being harassed in the name of implementation of the court order.   Seven states have notified core and buffer areas in tiger reserves since the Supreme Court, in July, asked them to create the distinction and...

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Don’t disable her right to go to school-Anupam Ahuja

-The Hindu Let us begin by listening to Mira’s story. When I learnt that I have been granted admission in the college of my choice, fear of being part of the “rest of the world” gripped me. Though confident about my academic abilities, I was terrified at the thought of how the “others” would react to me: a cerebral palsy wheelchair user with a speech difficult to comprehend and a drooling mouth....

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