-Deccan Herald The National Crime Records Bureau's data for 2013 is out, and farm suicides are pegged at 11,772 -- not very different from the earlier years.Many activists point out how these figures are in fact under-reported. In a country where the cultivators' numbers are plummeting drastically as the Census 2011 data shows, this unabated trend of farm suicides is something that any government should take note of. The central aspect to this...
Government calls all-party meet to relook on Land Acquisition Act
-The Economic Times Most state governments have sought a relook at UPA's Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, pushing the Centre into convening an all-party meet, probably as early as the next fortnight. A consensus at the meeting of all parties heading state governments will let the Centre amend the law in the current monsoon session itself. This revision of the land law is imperative for the Centre to execute major infrastructure...
More »Major diabetes, cardiac drugs to become up to 35% cheaper -Rupali Mukherjee
-The Times of India MUMBAI: In a move that has surprised and shaken the industry, prices of widely-used expensive anti-diabetic and cardiac medicines will reduce by as much as 35% over the next few weeks, with the drug pricing regulator, National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), deciding to bring them under price control. In a rare invocation of a lesser-used provision in the Drug Price Control Order (DPCO), NPPA has fixed the prices...
More »A ‘smart’ idea for urban ills? -A Srivathsan
-The Hindu The urban future depends on making cities intelligent, and that applies equally to both new and old parts of the city Smart cities, the flagship project of the Bharatiya Janata Party's urban vision, have received a firm financial allocation in the Union budget. The government has provided Rs.7,060 crore to build 100 smart cities as satellite towns on the outskirts of large cities to accommodate the burgeoning urban population. Foreign...
More »The US probe of rice trade won’t yield much -Tejinder Narang
-The Financial Express Global rice trade doesn't operate on market principles. Rather, it is guided by politics, vested interests and weather Rice is a political commodity. Governments all over the world maintain regimentation on rice production and trade through price controls and subsidisation, tariffs, phytosanitary and environmental safety standards-sometimes in a whimsical manner. On July 6, the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) notified investigations (to be completed by April 2015) on...
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