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Weeping wombs of Kasaragod by Jeemon Jacob

PREGNANT WOMEN in Kasargod district are fighting the endosulfan tragedy in their own way — by opting for abortion. A sacrifice conducted in silence, even a 10-year campaign against the chemical has not yet convinced the government to ban its use. Without the intervention of the welfare state, they are now released from the fear of death and chronic disease. They have seen enough. They have lost many in a short...

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Some top Indian bureaucrats guilty of corruption, says CBI by Iftikhar Gilani

As many as 17 top officials representing the senior bureaucracy are believed to have amassed or misappropriated nearly Rs 603 crore between 2007 and 2010. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has submitted a list of the officials under investigation to the parliamentary committee on assurances. The CBI says these officers had misappropriated funds from the exchequer and entered into criminal conspiracies by making huge illegal financial transactions. The CBI says it...

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Corruption, bribes have become a way of life: Survey

The grievance redress system in the country is “poor” and public service providers “lack accountability”. This is indicated by the fact that 95 per cent of the households that were asked to pay a bribe ended up doing so. This is revealed by a new survey, ‘India Corruption Study: 2010', prepared by the Centre for Media Studies. The report, based on a survey of around 10,000 households across 12 major cities,...

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Corruption perception on the wane: Study by Abantika Ghosh

The government may be facing an unprecedented barrage of corruption charges and an embarrassing Lokpal bill stir, but India Corruption Study, 2010, reveals that there is a marked decline in the percentage of people who feel graft has increased since 2005. Centre for Media Studies has conducted the survey. Rural population across 12 states — three of them Congress-ruled — was surveyed. The foreword has been written by NAC member Aruna...

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'No starvation death in Dantewada' by Nitin Sethi

No one has died of starvation in conflict-hit villages in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district, but tribals are 'living with starvation, in great penury and destitution', the Surpeme Court's Special Commissioner Harsh Mander has submitted in his report. In a strong indictment of the state government as well as Left Wing Extremists, the commissioner has reported that everyone – the security forces, naxals and 'vigilante armed civilian groups' — have unleashed unending cycles...

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