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Maya's changed stance on dailt cooks may irk HC by Swati Mathur

Dropping her hardline stance on appointment of dalits as cooks in primary schools may soften her image for the ‘janta' ahead of the panchayat polls this year, but Mayawati's sudden move could invite the ire of the state high court. Action, however, will depend on whether a government functionary or a dalit will now come forward to challenge the chief minister's latest diktat. Notably, earlier this year, the UP government approached...

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48,315 tonnes of wheat lies rotting in Punjab by Manpreet Randhawa

Some 48,315 tonnes of wheat procured by the Punjab government is to be fed to cattle after being declared unfit for human consumption. The stock, enough to feed around 595,000 people through the public distribution system (PDS) for a year, had piled up over the previous three years. Officials at the Food Corporation of India (FCI), which declared the grains unfit after an inquiry in March, said Punjab’s procurement agencies had...

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RTE Act: some rights and wrongs by Pushpa M Bhargava

As it stands, the Right to Education Act has several flaws that will prevent its efficacious implementation. Several amendments are called for. Something that cannot work, will not work. This is a tautology applicable to the Right to Education (RTE) Act, which cannot meet the objectives for which it was enacted. There are several reasons for this. First, the Act does not rule out educational institutions set up for profit (Section 2.n.(iv))....

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Instead of feeding the poor, India lets grain rot by Samar Halarnkar & Manpreet Randhawa

A day after the Prime Minister urged a quick start to a national food security network, it has emerged that his government may let foodgrain —enough to feed 140 million poor people for a month—decay, instead of spending Money and effort distributing it to the poor. Warning of an “emergency situation”, a person familiar with the situation told the Hindustan Times that 17.8 million tonnes of wheat and rice are being...

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“Journalists under attack in Orissa” by Priscilla Jebaraj

Journalists have come under increasing attacks in Orissa over the past year, caught between aggressive industrialists, political corruption and competitive media houses. “There have been 12 physical attacks on reporters, stringers or camera persons this year, and six cases of threat and intimidation, up from three attacks in 2009,” says a special report brought out by the Free Speech Hub, an initiative of the Media Foundation. With the State being on...

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