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Crop loss claims lives of 8 farmers

Worried over crop losses and mounting loans, two farmers committed suicide and four others died of shock in the state in the last 24 hours. Apparao, 55, consumed pesticide at his residence in Kapuumilada village in Santabommali mandal of Srikakulam on Tuesday. He was depressed after his three-acre crop was damaged in the rains. He took the land on lease and cultivated paddy. V Krishna Murthy, 52, a marginal farmer of Vanjagi...

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Vidarbha farmer suicides still average over one a day by Sanjay Jog

Suicides of despairing farmers continue in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, despite the claimed implementation of the Rs 3,000-crore Prime Minister’s package and a Rs 1,000-crore package of the state government.Official data released last week show 45 suicides still take place every month. In the past 10 years, a total of 4,427 suicides took place in five districts. After an official loan-waiver scheme was supposed to have taken effect, 919...

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Govt asks Lavasa to stop work till December end

Ministry of Environment & Forests has upheld its show cause notice on Lavasa Corporation and asked that there be no construction at the Pune site till end of December.The Ministry of Environment & Forests will give a final view on the controversial hill town project, which has been accused of violating green rules, by then.The interim order says no work on site can continue. The Ministry order has listed at...

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Soaring vegetable prices to make undhiyu less palatable by Ankita Pathak

Planning to call over friends and relatives this Uttarayan for the undhiyu treat? Then, watch out, for, your budget may go haywire if you have not factored in the price rise.Onion prices aren't the only one making Amdavadis cry. Vegetable prices in general seem to make the Amdavadi very emotional as he watches his wallet being ripped apart.The soaring vegetable prices have sent household budgets haywire.Undhiyu, one of the popular...

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Climate uncontrolled by Sandip Das

Climate change is springing an unpleasant surprise on agriculture in India, catching both farmers and governments unprepared. The erratic and deficit rainfall pattern and rise in temperature in recent years has even forced farmers to change cropping patterns and several areas have been declared drought-hit.Agricultural scientists acknowledge that even a mere one degree increase in average day temperature would adversely impact production of both wheat and rice crops (total annual...

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