-The Times of India NEW delhi: Hit by drought in two consecutive years due to deficit Monsoon, India's food-grain production is likely to decline this year. The government's first 'advance estimates', released on Wednesday, put the total Kharif (summer) foodgrain production for 2015-16 at 124.05 million tonnes (MT) which is 2.26 MT less than the 'actual' Kharif output of 2014-15. If one takes into account only 'first advance estimates' of Kharif foodgrain...
Centre to reduce its share of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan to 50%
-PTI NEW delhi: The Centre has decided to reduce its share of funding in the flagship Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA) programme from 65 per cent to 50 per cent, a move that could trigger strong protest from the states. The revised funding would be in the 50:50 pattern instead of 65:35. The scheme, which seeks universalisation of elementary education, has already seen a steep slash in allocation this fiscal, down from Rs 27,758...
More »The dumbing down of data -Vikas Kumar
-The Hoot The media coverage of the Census data on religion focused on the timing of its release and the politically controversial aspects. Many deeper and more complex layers were totally ignored. VIKAS KUMAR analyses the coverage in painstaking detail to see why journalists handledthe data so superficially Census data on religion collected in February-March 2011 was belatedly released on August 25, 2015. This analysis of how the media covered the release and...
More »India’s Malnutrition Shame -Rajib Dasgupta
-The Indian Express It requires a far wider spectrum of interventions than mere clinical management. The latest edition of the Global Nutrition Report 2015 by the International Food Policy Research Institute, released on Tuesday, brings back the concerns over malnutrition into sharp focus. In July, the government of India, after much avoidable controversy, released malnutrition (used synonymously as undernutrition) figures from the Rapid Survey on Children (RSoC) data that was collected...
More »Death by denial: harsh reality of inadequate medical infrastructure -Roshan Kishore
-Livemint.com World Bank data shows that the number of hospital beds per thousand people in India is much lower than the world average New delhi: The deaths of two dengue-infected delhi children after they were refused admission by hospitals (one private, one government) has led to yet another slugfest between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Leaving mud-slinging aside, the irony is difficult to miss. India,...
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