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Several civil society organizations and citizens who believe that a section of government and bureaucracy should not be allowed to dilute the right to information (RTI), staged a daylong protest at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi today (November 14, 2009) against the attempts to dilute the historical Act. (See the press release below for details) The civil society organizations, led by the National Council for the Peoples’ Right to Information...

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India Focuses on Education and Health by Heather Timmons

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh pledged Sunday to spend more on health care and education and make it easier for foreign investors to participate in India’s $1.2 trillion economy, one of the fastest growing in the world. At a World Economic Forum meeting in New Delhi, Mr. Singh said that public sector spending on health care would more than double to 2.5 percent of gross domestic product, and education spending would...

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Babus pushed to perform by Dilip Cherian

The Delivery Monitoring Unit set up by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the Prime Minister’s Office to monitor the government’s flagship programmes, initiatives and projects has sent babus in a tizzy trying to comply with the tough timelines set by T.K.A. Nair, the Prime Minister’s principal secretary who heads this unit. Naturally, most of the action is in ministries handling "flagship" programmes. Among the ministries which have already posted updates...

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Will the mindset from the past change? by Amit Bhaduri & Romila Thapar

Those that have governed in tribal areas must share the responsibility for the negligence of the adivasis. The proposals for a multi-lateral dialogue should be set in that context.  There has been a flurry of concern as also vituperation over the activities of the Maoists in the forests that are mostly home to tribal society. There is a confrontation between the state and this society through the intervention of the...

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Centre raises MSP for many rabi crops

The UPA government on Thursday raised the minimum support price (MSP) for most rabi crops, encouraging the sowing exercise under way. Aiming at making up the loss in kharif production due to delayed and poor rainfall, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), presided over by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, raised the minimum support price of wheat to be marketed in 2010-11 by Rs. 20 to Rs.1,100 per quintal. This year, the...

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