-Outlook The UPA government seems too keen on giving the press council what Katju seeks Powerful Enough? Among the powers the PCI now wields are the following: Power to censure, warn and admonish on receipt of a complaint, after giving the publication a chance to be heard The same powers as a civil court to summon and enforce attendance, examine persons under oath ...
Governors in the dock -JItendra
-Down to Earth They turn a blind eye to laws overriding tribal rights, complains national commission GOVERNORS of states with sizeable tribal population have come in for indictment over not performing their special administrative roles. To ensure partial autonomy in tribal areas, the Constitution entrusts governors with immense powers to supervise the administration and governance in such areas. They can allow or disallow any law or development programme in tribal areas to...
More »Child rights panel received only 51 abuse cases in 5 years -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India This flies in the face of the spate of growing abuses against children. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) - mandated to monitor child rights' violations and armed with quasi-judicial powers - has received only 51 complaints of sexual and physical abuse of children from across the country in the last five years. Even more shocking is that it has filed FIRs in only...
More »Upset, angry? Simply log in State joins e-grid
-The Telegraph Ranchi: Jharkhand today logged on to a national grievance redressal system that gives voice to the citizen unable to shake up a lethargic bureaucracy, empowering him with the tools to ensure he is heard by none other than the governor or chief minister. From his office in Raj Bhavan, Governor Syed Ahmed launched "jharkhandsamadhan.nic.in", a new portal developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) under the Centralised Public Grievance Redressal and...
More »Turf tiff over Nirbhaya fund -Ananya Sengupta
-The Telegraph Ministries are in the dark over control of the Rs 1,000-crore "Nirbhaya Fund", announced in last month's budget and named in the Delhi gang rape victim's memory, despite government declarations of urgency in dealing with women's safety issues. While some ministers believe the home ministry will be the nodal agency to handle the funds, others reckon that the finance ministry will take the reins and disburse the cash to ministries...
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