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The jobs challenge -Santosh Mehrotra & J Parida

-The Indian Express A comprehensive employment policy combined with an industrial policy is necessary to address the crisis. A report in this paper (IE, November 1) on various employment estimates for 2017-18, based on the PLFS (periodic labour force survey) data, has received considerable attention. We have received several queries from policy makers regarding the differences in our employment estimates with studies by Laveesh Bhandari and Amaresh Dubey (BD), and Himanshu...

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Lured with jobs, sold as slaves abroad -Moumita Chaudhuri

-The Telegraph Thousands of labourers are trafficked out of India every day with promises of more money and a better life. But the reality is far from it Time: 6 in the morning. Place: office of the National Anti-Trafficking Committee (NATC) in south Calcutta. The NATC is a non-government organisation. There are seven men sitting around a square table. They have landed hours ago from Kuala Lumpur, where they were working as...

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Indian rice exporters need certification of inspection to export to European Union

-PTI India exports about 3 lakh tonnes of basmati rice to the European Union Indian rice exporters will now have to obtain a certification of inspection from a government agency to ship both the basmati and non-basmati varieties to countries of the European Union (EU). “Export of rice (basmati and non-basmati) to European Union (EU) countries will require certificate of inspection from Export Inspection Council/Export Inspection Agency with immediate effect,” directorate general of...

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One in every four TB cases is from India, show a recent international report

  The newly released Global Tuberculosis Report 2019 finds that among the five risk factors behind TB cases in the country, undernourishment posed the greatest risk. Close to 7 lakh TB cases in India could be attributable to undernourishment during 2018. The other four risk factors behind TB cases were alcohol consumption (around 3 lakh TB cases), smoking (nearly 2 lakh TB cases), diabetes (more than 1 lakh TB cases) and HIV...

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75% climate pledges fall short: Researchers -GS Mudur

-The Telegraph The report examined each of the 184 voluntary pledges under the Paris climate pact Nearly three-quarters of the climate pledges from 184 countries under the 2015 Paris climate pact are insufficient to adequately lower Earth-warming greenhouse gas emissions and cap global warming to below 1.5 degrees Celsius, researchers iterated on Tuesday. India, China and the US are among the 136 countries (74 per cent) whose pledges to curb their emissions...

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