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Plan panel pushes irrigation projects to bolster food security by Sangeeta Singh

The Planning Commission has approved irrigation projects worth an estimated Rs.2 trillion over the past year-and-a-half to bolster India’s food security, but analysts say most of the money will not be utilized because of corruption and poor execution. A total 141 projects costing Rs.1.3 trillion were cleared in 2010 alone, according to an internal Plan panel paper on investment clearance of flood control, major and medium irrigation projects and renovation and...

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Government to announce special package for LWE-affected districts

-The Economic Times   Development and land rights are the new weapons in the government's war against Naxals. To forge an effective response, the rural development ministry is consulting the collectors of the 60 Left-wing extremism (LWE)-affected districts at a day-long meeting in the Capital on Tuesday. In the past, development programmes have failed to take into account the ground realities in these districts. This has contributed to ineffective programme implementation in these...

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The PDS is not failing or ailing by Ria Singh Sawhney

A survey conducted across nine states by the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and Allahabad University suggests that the much maligned system has revived, prodded by politics, good governance and the apex court. It also found the poor to be averse to cash transfers Kotri is a mid-sized village in Desuri block (Pali district, Rajasthan), about 15 kilometres away from the nearest large bus stand and market place. We walked to...

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Government set to make 4 per cent of its yearly buy from dalit firms, boost MSME sector by Sidhartha & Subodh Ghildiyal

The Centre is set to make it compulsory for 4% of its annual purchases to be made from units run by dalits and tribals in what will be its strongest bait for classes that hold the key to political battles at the Centre and states. A rough estimate of the proposed spending comes to Rs 25,000 crore. Preferential procurement has been an early poll promise of UPA and its delivery...

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MSCERT to monitor CCE scheme in schools by Swati Shinde Gole

Monitoring of the continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) scheme in schools for std I to VIII will begin from October 1, across the state. Surprise tests and visits have been planned in order to check if the scheme is being effectively implemented in school as per the Right to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 by teachers. The Maharashtra State Council Education Research and Training (MSCERT), the monitoring agency...

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