-The Business Standard How to take hot air out of the poverty debate Once again, poverty estimations are creating a needless debate over what is a modest measurement problem. For many years since 1973, the government had followed a simple formula: if a household could not afford to buy a minimal number of calories and clothing for its members, it was deemed as a household below the Planning ComMISsion poverty line....
Taking pills? Doctors warn on natural supplements-Malathy Iyer
When a corporate executive recently landed in the emergency ward of Hiranandani Hospital in Powai with palpitations, doctors first checked his heart. When tests ruled out any cardiac problem, they found an unlikely culprit-too many cups of green tea. "After talking to him, we realized he had had over a dozen cups of green tea within the span of a few hours,'' said cardiologist Ganesh Kumar. Some brands of green tea...
More »Put My View On The Table-Anuradha Raman
Dalits, OBCs in India’s colleges are using beef as a symbol of a resurgent identity “Non-Brahmins have evidently undergone a revolution. From being beef-eaters to have become non-beef-eaters was indeed a revolution. But if non-Brahmins underwent one revolution, Brahmins had undergone two. They gave up beef-eating, which was one revolution. To have given up meat-eating altogether and become vegetarians was another revolution.” —B.R. Ambedkar *** The Beef Menu Available In Kerala,...
More »“Amend statute for SC/ST promotion quota”-Gargi Parsai
Cutting across party lines, Rajya Sabha members on Thursday sought a constitutional amendment to provide for promotion quota in jobs for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the wake of the Supreme Court quashing the Uttar Pradesh government's decision in the matter. Replying to a short duration discussion, Minister of State for Personnel V. Narayanasamy said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was seized of the issue and the government was willing to...
More »Despite PM's call, scared babus still sitting on files-Siddharth
Last month, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh exhorted the bureaucracy to be fearless, saying, "Civil servants should fight the tendency of not taking decisions because of the fear that things might go wrong and they might be penalized for that." The PM was just the latest to express concern about increasing bureaucratic stasis-foreign visitors have remarked upon it and even TOI has written about it earlier. But his words have clearly failed...
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