The “committee” promised by the Goalpara administration to clear the paltry sum of Rs 200 to fund midday meals in Belpara primary school in the district has not materialised yet, leaving its 40 students in the lurch. The promise came on June 12, almost a month after the May 13 Abduction of the school’s headmaster, Kameshwar Rabha, and another teacher by suspected GNLA militants while they duo were riding back home...
Maoists recruiting, indoctrinating children: UN
-PTI The Maoist are recruiting and indoctrinating children and had constituted children's squads and associations as part of mass mobilisation, a UN report said. The annual report of the UN secretary-general on children and armed conflict, submitted to the Security Council last week, said information has been received on recruitment and use of children by Naxalites, particularly in Chhattisgarh and some districts in adjoining states. "Maoist armed groups were recruiting and indoctrinating children,...
More »Camel racing, organ trade behind Abduction by V Narayan & Pradeep Gupta
Mention crime, and murder and rape are the first to strike the mind. But there is another crime that arguably causes similar trauma, yet goes almost unnoticed: Abduction. The felony rose by 77% in six years, from 23,991 in 2006 to 42,580 in 2011, according to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). In comparison, murders remained around the 34,000 mark in the corresponding period and rapes rose by 24% (from 19,348...
More »Study shows sharp increase in crime against SC, ST people
-The Hindu Under the PCR Act, 34 cases were registered in 2010 as against 10 in 2009 There has been a marked increase in crimes against people belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Karnataka in 2010 in comparison to that in 2009, particularly in the cases booked under the Protection of Civil Rights (PCR) Act and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Prevention of Atrocities Act. According to the ‘Crime...
More »CRPF set up camps in Maoist affected villages of Jharkhand
Sarju (Jharkhand), June 5 (ANI): The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has set up camps in Maoist infested villages of Jharkhand to combat left wing extremism and bridge the gap between villagers and security personnel. For the past few years, the rebels have stepped up their efforts against the government and locals through killings and Abductions. The CRPF and Jharkhand Police have launched joint operations in Sarju village of Jharkhand's Latehar District...
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