-The Hindu But State-wise data on testing and positivity rates shows that the picture is not uniform Weeks after registering a sudden bump in cases and leading the world in daily case load, the number of new COVID-19 cases in India has shown a consistent dip in the past week — from a seven-day rolling average of 3.92 lakh as on May 8 to 3.41 lakh on May 15. There was also...
To Tackle Covid Surge In Rural Areas, Centre Issues New Guidelines
-OutlookIndia.com/ PTI Contact tracing, active surveillance for influenza-like illnesses, and separate Covid care facilities for suspected and confirmed cases are a few of the new measures suggested by the Centre Amid the second wave of the pandemic sweeping across the country, the Centre on Sunday issued a new set of guidelines to contain the spread of the virus in peri-urban and rural areas. This development comes just a day after Prime Minister Narendra...
More »COVID-19 Rapidly Spreading In Rural Areas: PM Narendra Modi
-PTI/ NDTV.com Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged people take precautions against the coronavirus and warned against its spread in rural areas. New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said the coronavirus pandemic is rapidly spreading in rural areas, as he urged citizens to take precautions, wear masks and maintain social distance to check spread disease that has claimed at least 2.6 lakh lives. The government, he said, is working on "war footing"...
More »EC, govt. failed to foresee ‘disastrous’ impact of polls, says Allahabad HC -Omar Rashid
-The Hindu U.P. govt. ill-prepared to deal with spread of infections in rural areas, says Allahabad High Court The Election Commission, the higher courts and the government failed to fathom the disastrous consequences of permitting the elections in a few States and the Panchayat elections in Uttar Pradesh, the Allahabad High Court has noted. The Uttar Pradesh government is having tough time in controlling the spread of COVID-19 in urban areas and it...
More »Government suspends key nationwide surveys amid raging Covid-19 2nd wave -Prashant K Nanda
-Hindustan Times Studies on migrants, domestic workers, and jobs put off till situation improves. The delay may have an adverse impact on the proposed national employment policy. The Union government has suspended work on four key surveys on migrants, domestic workers, and jobs created by the transport sector and professionals because of the deadly second wave of the pandemic, possibly delaying a national employment policy based on these surveys. With lockdowns and curfews...
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