Total Matching Records found : 6104

Quality primary education

Privatisation is no panacea when it comes to education. Nor can high-cost intervention at the tertiary stage produce quality talent. The back-bone of quality education is primary schooling. And improving that is not just a question of funding, even if the government does muster courage to raise expenditure on education from the present about 3% of GDP to the promised 6% of GDP. Granted, the UPA did raise this ratio...

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UNICEF sounds alarm over numbers of South Asian children trapped in poverty

Some 300 million children in South Asia, or half of the region’s under-18 population, suffer from chronic levels of poverty, according to a new United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) study presented today at the opening of a conference in Bangladesh. To combat the enormous amount of poverty afflicting children, UNICEF urged leaders across the region to strengthen efforts tackling the lack of food, education, health, information, shelter, water and sanitation for...

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World population explosion: 1 billion more in 12 years

Global population is going to cross the 7 billion mark by the year 2011. World population Growth is almost entirely concentrated in the world's poorest countries. In a report prepared by the World Population Reference Bureau (, it has been found that within a span of 12 years, population of the world increased by 1 billion, which can be termed as a historic event. The report says that in the...

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Learning to be equal by Kanika Datta

The fourth edition of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) Gender Gap Report, released on October 27, makes for somewhat depressing reading if you are Indian. The country has slipped four places in 2009 to rank 114 out of 134 countries. If there is slight consolation, it is that our biggest global economic competitor, China, fared slightly better, slipping two places over its 2008 ranking. Beyond that, comparisons appear meaningless. At...

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Migration: supportive policies needed by Vidya Subrahmaniam

The United Nations Development Programme-sponsored 2009 Human Development Report on migration, “Overcoming Barriers: Human mobility and Development” has been widely acknowledged as a path-breaking study on human movement. Shattering the many myths around migration, the report concludes that most migration is in fact beneficial, and calls for supporting policies to ease barriers to free movement. Senior Assistant Country Director, UNDP, K. Seeta Prabhu. discusses the report with The Hindu For...

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