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UP Budget: Farmers and Marginalised Sections Neglected The Finance Minister of Uttar Pradesh Rajesh Agarwal presented the Budget for financial year 2018-19 on February 16. The State government allocated Rs. 63,223 crores for overall Education sector which is an INCrease of 10.90% as compared to 2017-18 in which Rs. 56,993 crores were allocated. Out of this amount, Rs. 50,142 crore will be spent on Primary Education, Rs. 9,387 crore on secondary education and Rs. 2,656 on higher education....

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SC Constitution Bench holds passive euthanasia, living wills permissible -Krishnadas Rajagopal

-The Hindu Right to dignity INCludes right to refuse treatment and die with dignity. In a historic decision, the Supreme Court on Friday declared passive euthanasia and the right of persons, INCluding the terminally ill, to give advance directives to refuse medical treatment permissible. A Constitution Bench, led by Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra, in three concurring opinions, upheld that the fundamental right to life and dignity INCludes right to refuse treatment...

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Right to live INCludes right to die: Supreme Court -Dhananjay Mahapatra and Amit Anand Choudhary

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In a milestone verdict expanding the right to life to INCorporate the right to die with dignity, the Supreme Court on Friday legalised passive euthanasia and approved 'living will' to provide terminally ill patients or those in persistent and INCurable vegetative state (PVS) a dignified exit by refusing medical treatment or life support. The verdict, the latest in a string of boosts for individual freedoms by...

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GDP numbers have brought cheer, but Indian economy needs a more even path to growth -Radhika Pandey, Amey Sapre and Pramod Sinha Growing CAD, weak bank deposit growth, and fiscal deficit surpassing estimates cause for worry. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) recently released the Second Advance Estimates (2nd AE) for 2017-18, and the 3rd quarter GDP growth figures for October-December 2017. The new numbers have added some cheer to the disappointing state of affairs in the economy. The aggregate gross domestic product (GDP) registered a healthy growth of 7.2 per cent, while the gross...

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Agricultural sector growth slows down to 3%, show new estimates

  The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has recently made an upward revision to the growth to be experienced by the agrarian economy in the present crop year (viz. from July, 2017 to June, 2018). The growth in real Gross Value Added (GVA) by the agrarian sector as a whole is expected to be 3.0 percent in 2017-18 as per the second advance estimates of national INCome for 2017-18, which was released...

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