The Labour and Employment Ministry is expecting Rs 1,300 crore under planned allocation in the coming Budget, which will enable it to reach out to more workers in unorganised sector and extending health insurance cover to poor, an official said. The Ministry was allocated Rs 965 crore under the same plan in the ongoing fiscal. "We are expecting Rs 1,300 crore in the coming Budget to extend insurance cover to the poor...
Accountability in spending
The late Rajiv Gandhi famously, or infamously, once claimed that only 15 per cent of the funds allocated to welfare programmes ever reached the intended beneficiaries. The rest leaked enroute, entering the pockets of an assortment of intermediaries. This is a thought that the Union finance minister must always remember, especially when he sits down to allocate funds for an assortment of subsidies and some of the high-profile spending programme...
More »Nitish pilots change in NREGA fund plan by Chetan Chauhan
Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar has done what his counterparts in other states failed to do. He convinced the Centre that its policy on disbursement of funds for implementing the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS) was flawed and needed correction. At a meeting with Plan Panel deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Kumar pointed out the anomaly, which the government acknowledged and was quick to react. This resulted in...
More »Labour ministry likely to get more funds this Budget by Prashant K Nanda
The labour ministry may get about 36% more money under planned allocation in the Budget for the year starting 1 April to expand welfare programmes such as health insurance for the poor. “We are getting Rs. 1,300 crore under planned allocation in the coming Budget,” labour secretary Prabhat Chaturvedi said. The ministry was allocated Rs. 956 crore under the same Plan in the current year’s budget allocation. The labour ministry will also...
More »Sanjay Dixit, Central Employment Guarantee Council interviewed by Sreelatha Menon
Sanjay Dixit is a member of the Central Employment Guarantee Council, a statutory body set up under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). He was initially chosen by Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi to head an NREGA cell in Uttar Pradesh where he has become an official whistleblower of sorts, unearthing several instances of fund diversion in many districts. He talks about the malaise in the five-year-old law that...
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