Total Matching Records found : 33358

Will our farmers be thrown out like stateless immigrants?

-The Telegraph More than half of the country's small and marginal farmers continue to be left out of the ambit of formal finance A recent report by the Reserve Bank of India found that despite a plethora of schemes aimed at financial inclusion, only 40.9 per cent of small and marginal farmers have so far been covered by the banking system. Small and marginal farmers are defined as those with operational land...

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Telling Numbers: International migrant count slopes downward in India

-The Indian Express The 51,54,737 international migrants in 2019 represent just 0.4 per cent of the total population of India. On Wednesday, the UN Population Division released the dataset International Migrant Stock 2019. While the size of the Indian diaspora in other countries was reported in The Indian Express on Thursday, the exhaustive dataset also showed striking trends in international migration into India. The number has been consistently going down in...

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Can the spirit of California's gig economy bill spread to India? -Gayatri Nair For right and wrong reasons, the current dispensation celebrates the creation of any form of employment in India, regardless of quality. The state of California recently passed a landmark bill that has the potential to unleash a systemic change in the gig economy. On the back of a recent judgement by the California Supreme Court, Assembly Bill 5 has legislated that workers in the gig economy be classified as workers and...

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For the demographic dividend -Amitabh Kundu

-The Indian Express Focusing on health, education of women will bring down population, increase work participation The World Population Prospects 2019 has reported that India’s total fertility rate (TFR) has declined from 5.9 in early Sixties to 2.4 to 2010-15. TFR is defined as the total number of children to be born to women in her lifetime by the current age specific fertility rates. By 2025-30, it will fall to 2.1,...

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India is the top source of immigrants across the globe

-The Hindu A UN report reveals that one-third of all immigrants come from 10 countries India has emerged as the leading country of origin for immigrants across the world, with 17.5 million international migrants in 2019 coming from India, up from 15.9 million in 2015, according to a dataset released by the Union Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in New York on Tuesday. Sharp increase The International Migrant Stock 2019, released by...

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