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NAC to hardsell ‘success’-Radhika Ramaseshan

-The Telegraph The National Advisory Council is expected to soon release a 35-page document detailing the subjects it took up with the UPA II government and the “success” it achieved with these. The document will also outline the council’s future agenda. Sources in the council, headed by Sonia Gandhi, said the report was ready and merely needed to be ratified by all the members. The endorsement might come as early as tomorrow...

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Will rains boost the slowing Indian economy?

-The Economic Times This is the time of the year when the country's weakest spots are exposed; despite our high growth and emerging-economy status, we continue to depend on the rains to boost rural incomes and provide a cushion in a slow economy. All eyes are on rainfall in July, which is crucial for the kharif crop that accounts for about half the food grain output. The consequences on inflation are, of...

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Flashpoint Nagri erupts again

-The Telegraph Ranchi: Land politics took an ugly turn in Nagri today, leaving two dozen people, including a senior police officer, wounded and the future of three elite cradles tense. Disarmed by a recent Supreme Court snub on their claim over 218 “fertile” acres — allotted by the government for IIM, IIIT and NUSRL campuses — villagers armed with bamboo poles and iron rods partially dismantled the boundary walls of the management...

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Mom dies, every 10 minutes-Ananya Sengupta

-The Telegraph Next time you take a 10-minute coffee break, spare a thought. By the time you come back refreshed, a mother would have died. India recorded 56,000 maternal deaths in 2010, according to a UN report, which makes it six every hour — or one every 10 minutes. The report, released in India on July 2, means that despite various schemes launched by the Centre and state governments, the number of deaths...

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Shackled by timidity-Yoginder K Alagh

-The Indian Express   Time to take the bolder steps, bring FDI to small towns When the GDP falls below 7 per cent, we need to start worrying. When it is less than 6 per cent, we must treat it as a crisis situation. Growth models show that the robust investment rates already achieved, and twice the productivity growth achieved in the 1980s and ’90s, will get us 8 per cent growth. This...

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