-The Indian Express The Bombay High Court on Tuesday granted interim bail to cartoonist Aseem Trivedi (25), charged with sedition and sections of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971, and ordered his release from the Arthur Road jail here on a personal bond of Rs 5,000. The direction came after a PIL filed by city-based lawyer Sanskar Marathe on Tuesday urged the court...
Sedition? Seriously?
-The Hindu “Take again Section 124-A of the Indian Penal Code,” Jawaharlal Nehru said during a parliamentary debate centred around freedom of speech in 1951. “Now as far as I am concerned that particular Section is highly objectionable and obnoxious and it should have no place…in any body of laws that we might pass. The sooner we get rid of it the better.” Ironically, the sedition clause not only remains on...
More »Aseem Trivedi's arrest shows an intolerant India
-Yahoo With the government trying to gag everything that criticises its policies or actions, the day is not far when India too will be seen as 'illiberal'. Bizarre. Affectionate. Eccentric. These are some of the adjectives that have been used to describe India, but never has the word 'intolerant' become a prefix to our nation. However, with the government trying to gag everything that criticises its policies or actions, the day is...
More »Cartoonist Aseem Trivedi's arrest sparks outrage, Justice Markandey Katju protests
-CNN-IBN The arrest of cartoonist and India Against Corruption activist Aseem Trivedi on charges of sedition has sparked outrage. Aseem has been sent to police custody for a week for allegedly posting 'ugly and obscene' content on his web portal. Aseem's family and other anti-corruption activists are standing by him claiming there was nothing unpatriotic about his cartoons."Why should the government arrest our son, a cartoonist when there are so many corrupt...
More »Anti-corruption cartoonist arrested for sedition in Mumbai -Vijay V Singh & Rebecca Samervel
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Kanpur-based cartoonist Aseem Trivedi (25), who surrendered to the BKC police on Saturday, was remanded in seven days' police custody by the Bandra holiday court on Sunday. Charged with sedition for insulting national symbols through his cartoons, he refused to engage a lawyer in protest. The cartoons in question are on the theme Cartoons Against Corruption and one of them depicts the national emblem as comprising...
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