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NPPA puts PRIce cap on cardiac stents; says hospitals overcharge -Kundan Pandey

-Down to Earth The average cost of drug eluting stent for domestic companies is around Rs 8,000 but it is sold to patients for Rs 24,000 to Rs 1.5 lakh In a decision that will benefit thousands of people in the country, the National Pharmaceutical PRIcing Authority (NPPA) has finally put a ceiling on PRIces of cardiac stent—a small mesh tube that's used to treat narrow or weak arteries. Cardiac stents...

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Centre opposes news broadcast on FM

-The Telegraph New Delhi: The government has told the Supreme Court it is against granting of permission to community radio channels and FM radio stations to broadcast news programmes because of a "possible security risk" in the absence of a proper mechanism to monitor such content. In a sworn affidavit filed in the court recently, the ministry of information and broadcasting cited views expressed by the home ministry that there were several...

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What farmers want from policy-makers -Rajalakshmi Nirmal

-The Hindu Business Line A realistic MSP, better market access and warehouses Agriculture is not a profitable business in India. About 70 per cent of the country’s farmers are struggling to make ends meet. In 2012-13, the NSSO’s ‘Situation Assessment Survey of Agricultural Households’ showed that farmers who own 1 hectare or less of land see an average monthly income of ?5,247, which doesn’t even suffice to meet their household expenses. PRIme Minister...

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No one loves the farmer -Ashok Gulati & Siraj Hussain

-The Indian Express They are the largest constituency in UP. Yet, all parties have overlooked their issues Next month, Uttar Pradesh (UP) will have a new popular government, hopefully with a clear mandate. If UP was a country, with a population reportedly of more than 214 million in 2015 (as per UN population projections), it would have been the fifth most populous country in the world after China, India, US and Indonesia....

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Drumsticks beat back poverty in arid zones -Hiren Kumar Bose

-The Hindu Business Line Superfood moringa is proving to be a boon for subsistence farmers Names like PKM 2, Bhagya KDM 1, Rohit 1, Siddhi Vinayaka.... may not ring a bell among urban readers, but those engaged in subsistence farming will recognise these as the high-yielding varieties of Moringa olifera (drumstick tree). This tree (called murungae in Tamil) has been around for ages, but ever since the world at large claimed moringa as...

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