The recent brouhaha following the release of the poverty headcount ratio has triggered heated discussions with regard to their reliability. While it is very clear that the completeness and the consistency of the statistics are not in question, what is being questioned is the possible fudging of the data to reduce the poverty line. The data has not been fudged, as has been brought out very clearly by many authors....
Rural India in Abject poverty
-Jagran Post In a startling disclosure, the government survey on income and expenditure has revealed that half of the rural population of the country is living in abject poverty. According to the survey, about 60 percent of India's rural population lives on less than Rs 35 a day. A similar situation prevails in underdeveloped countries like Africa. This indicates that our policies are confined to certain areas only. Do our policy...
More »Tendentious arguments against Right to Education Act-A Srinivas
RTE marks a welcome return to common schooling; the objections lack substance. It's the strangest of debates. Private schools are up in arms against the Supreme Court order upholding the Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE), 2009. What are their objections? First, non-minority private unaided schools feel they have got a raw deal. They will have to provide free education to 25 per cent of their students, admitted from economically...
More »Estimating poverty properly
-The Business Standard How to take hot air out of the poverty debate Once again, poverty estimations are creating a needless debate over what is a modest measurement problem. For many years since 1973, the government had followed a simple formula: if a household could not afford to buy a minimal number of calories and clothing for its members, it was deemed as a household below the Planning Commission poverty line....
More »Health insurance scheme for the Poor a total failure, says DMA
-The Hindu Not possible to honour smart cards under present circumstances: Hospitals The Delhi Medical Association has expressed concern over what it called the “total failure” of the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) initiated through the Delhi Government to provide free health care to persons belonging to the below poverty line by providing them an insurance of Rs. 30,000 which they could utilise in any hospital in the eventuality of ailment. “The scheme...
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