-The Indian Express The NDA initially reintroduced DBT for LPG in 54 districts in mid-November 2014, with nationwide roll out to all districts from January 2015. A study by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) states that the government’s claims of savings due to a shift towards direct benefit transfer (DBT) for LPG (also called PAHAL) are “large overestimates”. IISD has shown that as against the publicly touted figure of...
The politics of waste management -Barbara Harriss-White
-The Hindu The production of waste in India is growing at an exponential rate. However, the welfare and dignity of the informal workers involved in the stigmatised sector of waste management remains at the bottom of any government’s political agenda. Human society has always produced waste and always will. Waste materials — substances without value — are constantly generated in all production, all distribution and all consumption processes. The time waste spends...
More »Government hopes to free Rs 40,000 crore fund soon for afforestation
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Centre is hopeful that the bill to utilize close to Rs 40,000 crore currently locked in the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and PLAnning Authority (CAMPA) will be passed by wide consensus in the forthcoming winter session of Parliament. The funds have been lying utilized following a 2009 order of the Supreme Court and the government intends to ensure that they are accessed by states and...
More »Official Claims of Huge Savings from Direct Benefit Transfer for LPG Don’t Add Up -Damon Vis-Dunbar, Kieran Clarke and Shruti Sharma
-TheWire.in Since April 1, 2015, India’s cooking gas subsidies have been distributed solely by electronic transfer through the Direct Benefit Transfer for Liquefied Petroleum Gas scheme (otherwise known as DBTL or PAHAL). Under this system, which has rePLAced the direct sale of cooking gas cylinders at subsidised prices, households PLAce an order for LPG with their gas distributor, receive an amount equivalent to the current subsidy amount via electronic transfer to...
More »Kolkata slum kids battle it out for ‘World Cup’ berth -Jhimli Mukherjee Pandey
-The Times of India KOLKATA: If things go according to PLAns, underprivileged kids from over 68 countries will converge in the city to PLAy football in 2016. The world cup soccer tournament for underprivileged kids, organized by the Scotland based foundation called Homeless World Cup, has tied up with the Nagpur based slum soccer, a national initiative that has been working to use football as a PLAtform to better the lives...
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