-The Indian Express Total foodgrain production in 2015-16 is expected at 253.16 million tonnes (mt), according to the Agriculture Ministry’s second advance estimates.&NBSp; India’s agricultural output hasn’t taken as much a hit from back-to-back droughts this time round as with previous monsoon failure episodes. Total foodgrain production in 2015-16 is expected at 253.16 million tonnes (mt), according to the Agriculture Ministry’s second advance estimates. This is only 4.5 per cent below the...
Electricity subsidies for poor are stolen by the rich -Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Aditi Roy Ghatak & Maya Palit
-IndiaClimateDialogue.net While over 20% of India’s population has no access to electricity, the richest 40% of the population gets highly subsidised power; the second of a three-part series on the subsidy skew Along with coal mining, electricity is regulated by the state in India and subsidised. Electricity tariffs are kept deliberately low for poor households. Unfortunately much of this electricity is allocated in such a way that business and industrial consumers as...
More »Minister’s sex determination proposal: Just how bad is the idea? -Oommen C Kurian
-Observer Research Foundation It is not often discussed in India that there was a time, not too far into the past, when the doctors from the famous All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) performed and promoted sex-selective abortions as an effective and ethical method to address India’s population problem. Some of them even suggested that “the couple keeps on reproducing just to have a son”, and prenatal determination of sex...
More »A Clean-Up Act In Judiciary: Collegium Wants Mass Transfer, say sources -A Vaidyanathan
-NDTV New Delhi: The Supreme Court Collegium -- a panel of senior judges headed by the Chief Justice of India -- has recommended mass transfer of High Court judges who have been accused of corruption and misconduct. &NBSp; Judges from the High Courts of Delhi, Karnataka, Madras and Andhra Pradesh figure in the transfer list, sources said. &NBSp; &NBSp; The list includes CS Karnan, the controversial judge of the Madras High Court Justice who had...
More »Rural households have higher debt than urban counterparts: NSSO report -Jitendra
-Down to Earth The debt in rural households is higher, even though their total assets are lesser than urban households &NBSp; A new survey by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) shows that rural households have higher debts than their urban counterparts. At the same time, an urban household owns more than double the asset than that of a rural household. A rural household, on an average, owned assets of Rs 10...
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