-The Economic Times With the coming of 'organised' multi-brand retail - whether through FDI or indigenous - can the kirana store owner create an effective response so that he competes successfully to retain his share of the consumer's growing shopping basket? And second, will he want to make the change? To answer the first question, let's recap what we know are the kirana's strengths. Successful kirana stores have great neighbourhood locations and...
Paddy production cost in AP higher than government minimum support price: RBI study
-PTI MUMBAI: The cost of production of paddy in Andhra Pradesh was higher than the minimum support price (MSP) of Rs 1,080 per quintal in the last year mainly because of higher expenditure on wages, says the latest study undertaken by the RBI's research wing. Andhra Pradesh is one of the Leading producing states in the country. The study, conducted by the Development Research Group (DRG) of RBI, also said the Commission for...
More »Bharat bandh evokes mixed response; train services disrupted
-The Times of India The opposition-sponsored Bharat bandh demanding a rollback of the government's decision to hike diesel prices, cap subsidised cooking gas cylinders and allow foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail has evoked mixed response across the nation. Besides the NDA and the Left, the Thursday shutdown has the support of parties like the Samajwadi Party, the TDP, the BJD and many others. In Tamil Nadu, the DMK, which is an ally...
More »Govt mulls tweaking LPG cylinder cap from 6 to 9
-The Indian Express The government may consider “minor adjustments” on the LPG cylinder cap in the wake of pressure from within the Congress and Trinamool Congress's decision to withdraw support to the UPA. Sources said while there is no question of rollback of the government's decision to put a cap on the number of subsidized cylinders, the government was ready for minor adjustments on it and can increase the total number of...
More »Exploring with responsibility-Vijay Kumar AA
-The Indian Express Mining in India has come a long way in the last 50 years or so. From the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1957 to the National Mineral Policy (NMP) of 1993, and now to the NMP of 2008, it has shown a progressive shift towards bringing the private sector into exploration, mining and downstream value addition. However, the regulatory systems perhaps never managed to keep pace with developments on...
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