West Bengal Chief Minister sought refinancing for 18,000-km PMGSY roads Aggravating the face-off between the Congress and the Trinamool Congress, Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has shot down West Bengal's demand for financing anew 18,000 km ofmurram (red sand) roads under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). The West Bengal Road Department Secretary demanded at a meeting that the Ministry refinance the entire murram roads in the State, charging that these...
Irregularities alleged in MNREGA works in Seege Gram Panchayat-Sathish GT
Job card holders say they did not get wages Residents of villages in Seege Gram Panchayat in Hassan taluk alleged at a social audit meet here on Saturday that there were irregularities in the implementation of schemes under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. The Bangalore-based Association for Social Transparency, Rights and Action (ASTRA), a non-governmental organisation, conducted the audit, and employees from the Department of Rural development and Panchayat...
More »Microfinance institutions escape charge of abetting suicide of clients-M Suchitra
In 2010, Andhra Pradesh witnessed a series of suicides. These were not cases of farmers' suicides—a regular occurrence in the state which continues to be in the grip of an agrarian crisis. The victims in these cases happened to be the poorest of the poor; most of them illiterate dalits and adivasis. The first information reports (FIRs) of the police reveal that most of the suicides were due to coercive...
More »Malnourished children yet to get eggs, milk-Mohit M. Rao
Although the State Government issued an order to supply eggs and milk to severely malnourished children in anganwadis from April 1, many children have not received the promised nourishment even 20 days after the programme began. A majority of the anganwadis are either in the dark about the Government Order or, even if they have received information, there is little clarity on the details of implementation. The decision by the Department of...
More »Posco in limbo-V Venkatesan
The National Green Tribunal's decision to suspend the environmental clearance given to Posco vindicates the project's critics. ON March 30, the Principal Bench of the newly formed National Green Tribunal (NGT) delivered a momentous decision suspending the environmental clearance (EC) given to the South Korean transnational corporation, Posco, to set up an integrated steel plant at Paradip in Odisha's Jagatsinghpur district. The former Union Minister for Environment and Forests, Jairam...
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