-The Hindu Industrial output growth halves from 28.6% in May to 13.6% in June Retail inflation cooled slightly to 5.6% in July, slipping below the central bank’s upper tolerance threshold of 6% for the first time in three months, even as industrial output growth halved from 28.6% in May to 13.6% in June, as base effects from the national lockdown of 2020 begin to fade. food prices at the consumer level played a...
food delivery workers tell their story on Twitter, say it's a losing game
-TheNewsMinute.com The delivery executives behind the anonymous Twitter handle tell TNM that they deliver more food, travel more but earn less than ever before. Throughout the pandemic, even as restaurants were shuttered to diners and grocery stores closed early, food delivery executives have remained a constant, traversing cities at all hours of the day to bring meals to your doorstep. Yet, during this time, many of these executives have stood in protest...
More »Genome of salt-secreting mangrove species identified
-The Hindu The findings will play a key role in developing drought and salt-tolerant food crops for the 7,500 km long Indian coastline. CUDDALORE: A group of researchers from the Department of Genetic Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai; Centre for Advanced Studies in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Annamalai University and Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar, have for the first time identified a reference-grade whole genome sequence of...
More »Concerned Citizens Ask FSSAI to Not Make food Fortification Mandatory, Warn of Health and Economic Impacts
-Newsclick.in Individuals and organisations sent a letter to FSSAI saying that the chemical fortification of food is not a solution as nutrients do not work in isolation but need each other for optimal absorption. The Indian government’s plans to make mandatory the artificial fortification of certain food items has raised concerns as 170 individuals and organisations on Saturday wrote to the food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) urging it to...
More »Citizens ask FSSAI to stop mandatory food fortification- Warn against grave health and economic impacts in reductionist approaches to nutrition
-Press release by Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture (ASHA Kisan Swaraj) dated 2 August, 2021 170 individuals and organizations along with the Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture (ASHA Kisan Swaraj) have written to the FSSAI urging it to scrap its plans to make synthetic/ chemical fortification of foods mandatory in India [1]. They cited detrimental and irreversible health and socio-economic impacts such as market shifts in favor of large...
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