Total Matching Records found : 8174

450 kids starve to death in 4 months by Ravikiran Deshmukh

Even as this shocking number of malnutrition deaths is reported from Nashik alone, much of Rs 600 crore child welfare budget seems to have been spent on expensive toys et al In commodity purchases that seem to give direct competition to the Organising Committee's orders for the Commonwealth Games (CWG), the State Women and Child Development department spent Rs 13,801 each for a set of four steel utensils consisting of a...

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Despite 33% drop, India records highest newborn deaths in world by Kounteya Sinha

-The Times of India   First the good news: India has recorded a 33% drop in newborn deaths between 1990 and 2009. Now, the bad news. Despite the sharp drop, over 9 lakh newborns died in 2009, the highest in the world. The most comprehensive newborn death estimates so far - covering all 193 countries and spanning 20 years released by the World Health Organization, Save the Children and the London School...

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Good news, sort of

-The Economist   The number of deaths among babies is declining The first 28 days of life are among the most vulnerable in a human’s existence. In 2009 3.3m children died before they were four weeks old, down from 4.6m in 1990, according to a new  paper from the World Health Organisation. However progress has been too slow to meet the fourth of the UN's Millennium Development Goals—to cut child mortality to one-third...

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Farmers to resume land agitations years after acquisition by Balwant Garg

After Mansa, now the farmers in Bathinda and Faridkot districts are up in arms against the state government over the land acquisition issue. Though their land was acquired by the state government many years back, the state government may face renewed agitation from farmers, who think the land was `misused` and sold off to colonizers. Two agitations have already been witnessed in Bathinda and Faridkot in the last couple of weeks...

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Media pressure may help speed up food security moves by S Viswanathan

More than two years have passed and there seems to be no progress worth speaking about in making the promised law that will guarantee food for the people. The promise came from the UPA-2 as part of its election manifesto in 2009. It was a time of recovery from a time of economic troubles. The impact of the global economic slowdown came on top of the agrarian crisis and the...

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