-The Times of India HUBLI (Karnataka): At least 14 students fell ill in government school in Karnataka's Dharwad district after drinking milk supplied under a government scheme on Monday. Soon after the morning prayer, students of the Kannada Government Girls' Primary school in Kusugal village queued up to have milk under 'Ksheer Bhagya' scheme. Within minutes, a girl complained of stomach pain and started vomiting. Within half an hour, 13 other students...
The story of filing online RTI is only getting happier-Vinita Deshmukh
-MoneyLife.in After several weeks of disgust over political parties trying to slip out of the RTI Act, good news beckons for citizens in India and abroad who want to file RTI online Do you want to seek information under Right to Information (RTI) about public distribution of grains or demand a copy of your answer sheet in your Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination or seek details about a water conservation project...
More »India ahead of China in wasting food -Chetan Chauhan
-The Hindustan Times When it comes to wasting food items, India is ahead of China, says a UN report on food waste and its impact on natural resources. The grim news comes at a time when prices of most vegetables and fruits are high. The waste also takes a high toll on the country's natural resources because many of these items, rice for example, consume large quantities of water. It is estimated more...
More »Social media rife with inflammatory material in Muzaffarnagar-Omar Rashid
-The Hindu Allahabad: Even as the Uttar Pradesh government blamed the circulation of a fake video on social media for aggravating communal violence in Muzaffarnagar, inflamattory and communally inciting material continued to be spread widely on social networking sites and applications. Newspapers reports, morphed with inflammatory headlines, were widely circulated through various groups on Twitter, Facebook and other mediums of social media on Monday. Two widely circulated posts were picture clippings from...
More »Rajiv-ji aur RTI Ki Jai Ho -Somi Das
-Newslaundry.com There's always outrage at the government ad spend on the death and birth centenaries of our erstwhile politicians. On Rajiv Gandhi's death centenary in 2013, we carried a report with incorrect figures. Following which, we filed a Right To Information (RTI) application to ask for the amount of advertising spend by the government on Rajiv Gandhi's death centenary ads in the Delhi editions of various English newspapers. When we contacted...
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