More than 500 farmers from Kuditini, Harigandoni and Veeniveerapura launched a padayatra from Kuditini to Bangalore on Friday under the banner of Bhoo Santhrasathara Horata Samithi. The farmers are demanding a compensation of Rs 77 lakh per acre for the land they parted with for Arcelor-Mittal to set up a steel plant. The padayatra will culminate on November 3. On the next day, the farmers will stage a protest in front...
Assam's dam crisis by Arnab Pratim Dutta
ASSAM is on the brink of a movement, like the one that ended with the 1984 Assam Accord. This time the concern is not illegal immigrants but dams proposed upstream in Arunachal Pradesh. In the past year and a half people in Assam have held a number of protests. The latest one was on September 10 when Union Minister of Environm ent and Forests Jairam Ramesh visited Guwahati to consult academics,...
More »Deadlock between Haryana, millers may hit rice lifting
A standoff between the Haryana government and rice millers is threatening to derail the procurement of paddy in Haryana, with growers accusing authorities of not lifting the crop despite heavy arrival in markets. The state government said it is hopeful of settling the issue with state rice millers within a day or two, while claiming to have lifted ‘each grain’ of paddy. Peeved at the slow pace of paddy lifting at various...
More »Road safety: a public health challenge by KS Jacob
India's hurried quest for development and its disregard for road safety have resulted in a major public health problem that demands serious thought and action. The high mortality and morbidity associated with road traffic injuries are a major public health challenge worldwide. Every year, road traffic crashes kill an estimated 1.2 million people. The figure for the injured is over 50 million. Significant increases in these estimates are projected over the...
More »Farmers bring work on Yamuna Expressway to halt again
Just three days after the Jaypee group resumed work on the Yamuna Expressway in Aligarh’s Tappal area in Uttar Pradesh after the last month’s agitation, the farmers again brought it to a halt on Tuesday evening, demanding compensation for the crops on the land acquired for the project, return of the land to farmers who were against acquisition, and withdrawal of the cases registered against them during the agitation. The immediate...
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