-The Indian Express Policemen firing to control rioters in Dhule aimed above the waist in violation of rules, new video clips with The Indian Express show. Six Muslim men were killed by police bullets after a minor quarrel over the food bill at a roadside stall escalated into rioting in the north Maharashtra town on January 6. All the dead had injuries in the upper half of their bodies. The video clips (see...
Locked in U.N. files, 15 years of bloodletting at LoC-Praveen Swami
-The Hindu Complaints by Pakistan of executions, beheadings in secret cross-border raids by Indian forces In classified protests to a United Nations watchdog that have never been disclosed till now, Pakistan has accused Indian soldiers of involvement in the torture and decapitation of at least 12 Pakistani soldiers in cross-Line of Control raids since 1998, as well as the massacre of 29 civilians. The allegations, laid out in confidential Pakistani complaints to the...
More »Gang rape case: plea for bone ossification test turned down
-The Hindu The sixth accused in the December 16 gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student here, was on Monday declared a minor by a Juvenile Justice Board on the basis of his school enrolment records, thus paving the way for an inquiry against him. The sixth accused in the December 16 gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student here, was on Monday declared a minor by a...
More »Justice JS Verma, former Chief Justice of India interviewed by Aman Sharma
-The Economic Times Justice JS Verma says women remain unsafe because of poor governance, not dearth of laws, in an interview with ET. The former Chief Justice of India, who headed the three-member committee to suggest measures for a safer environment for women, had submitted his panel's report in just 29 days, and wants the government to act in the same time: * Do you expect the govt to implement your recommendations...
More »Hear no nuance, just jail them -Chandrima S Bhattacharya and Smitha Verma
-The Telegraph Jaipur, Jan. 27: An FIR against social scientist Ashis Nandy for alleged defamatory remarks on Dalits and tribals has brought to the fore a growing trend of “thought terrorism” that treats nuanced opinion as heresy liable to be crushed with a heavy hand. The remarks by Nandy, a widely respected sociologist known for his nuanced positions and reluctance to play to the gallery just to be part of “acceptable voices”,...
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