-The Times of India The Supreme Court, which relentlessly strove to bring to book perpetrators of the fake encounter killings of Sohrabuddin and Tulsiram Prajapati in Gujarat, has an explosive situation on its hands as the National Human Rights Commission informed it that 191 fake encounter killings took place in the country in the last five years. Appalled by the attitude of the Manipur government in responding to over 1,500 alleged fake...
Activists hit out against ‘encounter’ killings -Walter Scott
-The Hindu NHRC has objected to registration of attempt to murder case Sivaganga: Human Rights activists decried the killing of the two accused in the Sub-Inspector Alwin Sudhan murder case in an ‘encounter’ near Manamadurai on Friday night even as the local Judicial Magistrate launched an enquiry on Saturday. The police claim that they shot dead Prabu and Bharathi at Theethanpettai when they attempted to escape while being brought from Madurai Central Prison...
More »Supreme Court concern over fake encounters in Manipur -J Venkatesan
-The Hindu Centre asked to respond to plea for scrapping Armed Forces Act The Supreme Court, expressing concern over extra judicial killings, has asked the Centre and the Manipur government to look into the issue with the utmost seriousness. A Bench of Justices Aftab Alam and Ranjana Desai, hearing a writ petition complaining of mass fake encounter killings, told counsel for the Manipur government on Friday: “You people are killing each other. You...
More »Pathribal Encounter: 'Witnesses Will Get Fresh Notices'
-Outlook Fresh notices will be issued to eye-witnesses of the Pathribal fake encounter killing to appear for recording their statements in General Court Martial proceedings at Nagrota-based 16 Corps headquarters, army said tonight. "Fresh summons giving reasonable time to the witnesses to report for recording of summary of evidence will be issued so that they can appear for recording evidence in a reasonable time frame," an army spokesman said. Reacting to media reports...
More »1,528 victims of fake encounters in Manipur: PIL -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India The Supreme Court on Monday took serious note of a PIL alleging that there had been apathy on the Centre and Manipur government's part to bring to book the guilty among armed forces and state police, which allegedly were responsible for 1,528 extra-judicial killings in last 30 years. The impact of the magnitude of extra-judicial killings of innocent citizens in Manipur was visible on a bench of Justice...
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