Total Matching Records found : 6922

Aila-hit Sunderbans inhabitants seek livelihood elsewhere by Ananya Dutta

In the year that has gone by since cyclone Aila devastated the Sunderbans, livelihood opportunities have dried up for the inhabitants of the region. The situation has arisen from a failed crops, dwindling fish catches and absence of enterprise and resulted in large scale emigration from the islands. Daily-wagers, who depended on finding work as agricultural labour, are the worst hit. Vast stretches of croplands have been rendered infertile after they remained...

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Rural women earn better wages than urban counterparts by Chetan Chauhan

World’s biggest employment guarantee scheme Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREG) has ensured better wages for rural women. In a survey report, the National Sample Survey (NSS) organisation has found that disparity in wages between male and female workers in rural India has reduced between 2004-05 — when there was no MGNREG, and 2007-08 — when the scheme was introduced in most parts of rural India. Now, the rural women working...

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Survey shows disparity in wages of men and women

A government survey has showed wide disparity between male and female wage earners in the 15-59 age group both in urban and rural areas. The study conducted by National Sample Survey Office for 2007-08 said that while the average wage rate in rural areas was Rs 175.30 per day for males it was Rs 108.14 for females. Similarly, in urban areas, the average wage rate for males was Rs 276.04 per day...

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UPA's flagship programmes like NREGA progressing well: PM

Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on the occasion of completion of one year of the UPA Government in its second term said on Monday that the flagship programmes launched by his government are progressing well. "I will briefly highlight some of the important steps we have taken over the past year and also the pressing challenges that confront the nation,' Dr. Singh said during his opening remarks at the national...

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Plight of India's 'floating villagers' by Amarnath Tewary

More than a million people settled along the Kosi river in the Indian state of Bihar live an uncertain and nomadic life in "floating villages" because of frequent flooding. Whenever Babuji Sah walks towards his village, Birbar, he says he feels like an ageing camel struggling to find his new address in the sand-filled desert. That is because Birbar is forced to move location every three to four years. The pathways...

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