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Much more than Commonwealth Games needed for lasting national prestige by Nandini Oomman

“India is Shining” in many ways, but the major hiccups in the run up to the Commonwealth Games (CWG), which opened on October 3 in New Delhi, highlight India's serious problems. Despite the colourful display of India's arts and culture at the grand opening ceremony, the frantic last minute interventions —including enlisting the Army (who did a remarkable job) to help with the final preparations — reveal the gross inefficiencies...

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Mining project payouts to go to women

The new mining legislation will make woman of the house chief beneficiary of the compensation for land acquired for mining project, as the government seeks to ensure the large amounts provided go into ensuring livelihood and are not depleted quickly. This is in sync with the government’s attempt to empower women by giving them a bigger role in financial decision-making. “Women are known to manage the household finances better than their male...

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Ensure minimum wages to NREGA workers: Activists by Anindo Dey

With the state government agreeing to increase the minimum wages by 35% with effect from January 1, the focus of the on-going Mazdoor Haq Yatra has now shifted to demands that even NREGA be given the minimum wages from the current freeze at Rs 100. The Yatra originated about a fortnight ago in the state demanding a rise in minimum wages and better implementation of NREGA. The Yatra is supported by...

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Preserving Gandhi’s enduring legacy by Melanie P Kumar

For me, stepping into the simple precincts of Bapu Kutir in Sevagram and seeing Gandhiji’s personal belongings was indeed a lesson in humility.  The charkha holds pride of place in the small mud dwelling even as Gandhians take turns to spin the wheel. One gentleman told us that a national shift to khadi would provide employment to thousands of people. The greatest thing about visiting Sevagram is to find that the...

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Media invited to witness the real dance of democracy

Media persons from all over the country have a great opportunity to witness the dance of democracy in Jaipur beginning Gandhi Jayanti. A peaceful ‘dharna’ organized by grassroots organizations like the MKSS and RTI Manch, among others, is already attracting some of India’s top writers, editors, development thinkers and civil society activists, besides thousands of common people from all across Rajasthan. The movement will continue indefinitely from October 2 onwards...

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