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Where are farm hands when you need them? by Devinder Sharma

MGNREGA is certainly a good idea. But it can’t be allowed to play havoc with farming operations by weaning away labourers during peak season rural DEVELOPMENT Minister Jairam Ramesh recently rubbished the need for freezing the flagship rural job scheme MGNREGA during peak agricultural season. Dismissing the possibility, Ramesh had said: “The matter has been examined by the Mihir Shah Committee and rejected.” Knowing that Mihir Shah’s entry into Planning Commission...

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The great Indian poverty game-Sonalde Desai

Nowhere are the argumentative Indians more visible than in the cacophony surrounding poverty estimates. Poverty is declining; inequality is increasing; no one can live on Rs 28 a day; nine per cent of Indians are poor; 70 per cent of Indians are poor. Poverty is too important to be used as ping-pong between optimists and pessimists on the Indian economy. I am deeply disillusioned to discover that there are no certainties...

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Law to make rural service mandatory for doctors

-The Deccan Herald The State government, faced with severe shortage of doctors in rural areas, is likely to promulgate an ordinance to make one year of rural service mandatory for undergraduate and post-graduate medical students. Making an announcement to this effect in the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday, Chief Minister D V Sadananda Gowda said despite fixing a minimum salary of Rs 70,000, doctors were not coming forward to work in rural areas....

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Child population down in rural Rajasthan

-The Times of India The provisional population figures up to the tehsil-level released by the directorate ofcensus operations, Rajasthan, on Wednesday showed an overall decrease in the child population in the 0 to 6 years age group and a clear divide on the social issue between rural and urban areas.  The child population of both the boys and the girls in rural areas has decreased between 2001 and 2011, while the same...

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Plan to link NREGA to state wage rates

-The Telegraph The wage rate under rural job scheme NREGA could soon be brought on a par with the minimum wages for agricultural labourers fixed by states. The Centre is likely to amend the Mahatma Gandhi National rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) by incorporating a provision saying the wage cannot be less than the minimum rate for agricultural labourers in a particular state. At present, there are discrepancies between the two. A Karnataka...

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