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Cartoon row: Experts say Thorat panel ignored views-Anubhuti Vishnoi

-The Indian Express Prof M S S Pandian is not the sole dissenter as far as the Thorat committee’s recommendations on removal of cartoons from NCERT textbooks go. A number of academic experts roped in by the committee to review Political Science textbooks, which are at the centre of a controversy over “controversial” cartoons, also echoed views similar to Pandian and fully supported the cartoons. Set up in May following MPs’ objections...

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Here are some of the cartoons deemed unsuitable for school-Anubhuti Vishnoi

-The Indian Express It is not just 21 cartoons that have been deemed “inappropriate” for NCERT textbooks. The Thorat Committee has frowned on much more, disapproving of “ too many cartoons of Mrs Indira Gandhi” in the Class XII textbooks, and objecting to some Amul advertisements. Set up in May following MPs’ objections to political cartoons in textbooks, the six-member committee headed by ICSSR chairman S K Thorat vetted six textbooks that...

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When the gas leaked, Arjun flew away to pray-Rasheed Kidwai

-The Telegraph When the deadly gas was spreading havoc in Bhopal, Arjun Singh was hundreds of miles away — praying. Hours after the leaking methyl isocyanate gas had left a trail of death in the Madhya Pradesh capital, the state’s then chief minister had taken a flight to Allahabad, where he visited the chapel of his childhood school to pray for “moral courage”. The startling revelation comes in Arjun’s yet-to-be-released memoirs, A Grain...

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Government clears 2 million tonne of wheat exports to ease storage crunch

-NDTV The government has approved export of two million tonnes of wheat from central pool stock in order to clear storage space for new crops. The decision was taken by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) in Delhi today. "CCEA has approved export of two million tonnes of wheat from government stock with floor price of $ 228 (about Rs. 12,400) per tonne," Food Minister KV Thomas told PTI after the meeting. The...

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Forty years of SEWA-Premal Balan & Rutam Vora

-The Business Standard   One of Sewa's triumphs is formation of the Mahila SEWA Sahakari Bank In April 10 this year, SEWA, the Self-Employed Women’s Association, which prefers to describe itself as a cooperative or trade union rather than a microfinance institution (MFI) (though it straddles both spheres), with a membership of 1.3 million women, completed 40 years of its existence. This gives us an ideal opportunity to review its historic contribution to...

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