The Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY), under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, has been launched for slum dwellers and the urban poor on the lines of the Indira Awas Yojana for the rural poor. RAY is a right-based, reform-driven programme under the Jawaharlal National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). It has been launched with the aim of creating a slum-free India by providing affordable housing for slum dwellers. A Guwahati...
Commodities and Corruption by Prabhat Patnaik
Capitalism is supposed to bring in modernity, which includes a secular polity where ''babas'' and ''swamys'', qua ''babas'' and ''swamys'', have no role. Many have even defended neo-liberal reforms on the grounds that they hasten capitalist development and hence our march to modernity. The Left has always rejected this position. It has argued that in countries embarking late on capitalist development, the bourgeoisie allies itself with the feudal and semi-feudal...
More »Nutrition efforts bypass women by Maitreyee Handique
Policies aiming to combat malnutrition are ignoring an entire generation of women whose overall health has a direct bearing on children’s growth, say advocacy groups and researchers Cradling a frail son on her hip and with a plastic bag stuffed with clothes in one hand, Tara Jadam walked into the rehabilitation centre inside the district hospital here to spend the next two weeks. On a hot afternoon, she has walked several miles...
More »When some are less than equal by Rukmini Shrinivasan
Whether it is in education, health or jobs, there are enormous differences in outcomes in modern India, so much so that it often seems like two countries exist within one. Economic opportunities have undoubtedly expanded for a section of India's population, but there are serious obstacles in the path of many. Nobel laureate and development economist Amartya Sen has written about the 'conversion handicap' which, quite separately from an 'earnings...
More »Some 115 million child labourers globally engaged in hazardous work – UN
-The United Nations More than half of the world’s estimated 215 million child labourers are engaged in hazardous work which puts them risk of injury, illness or death, the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) said in a new report unveiled today. The report, “Children in hazardous work: what we know, what we need to do,” cites studies from both industrialised and developing countries that indicate that a child labourer suffers...
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