-The Indian Express Ranchi: The police are yet to file an FIR in the Saturday incident, in which Jagarnath Mahato, the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) MLA of Dumri, held a kangaroo court and “punished” a man, Jitendra Choudhary, by tying him to a tree for an hour. The incident took place at Bhandaridah, 40 km from the Bokaro district headquarters. Mahato, 45, apparently acted after Choudhary’s wife, Sunita Devi, sought action against...
HC transfers Virar RTI activist murder investigation to CID -Mustafa Plumber
-DNA The Bombay High Court has transferred the investigation into the killing of RTI activist Premkant Jha to the State Criminal Investigation Department (CID) after the local police failed to make any headway in the case. Jha was shot dead in broad daylight in Virar on February 24, 2012. He was an RTI activist as well as the national level public relations officer of the Bhrashtachar Atyachar Virodhi Samiti. At first a...
More »After 6 months in jail as 'terror suspect', a journalist returns-Johnson TA
-The Indian Express Bangalore: About six months ago, when he appeared in court for the first time after being named by the Bangalore Police in an alleged Lashkar-e-Toiba plot to target local right-wing media personalities, Muthi ur Rehman Siddiqui, 26, a reporter and sub-editor with the Deccan Herald newspaper here, still had the glint of youthful exuberance in his eyes. But now, the first thing that comes to mind on seeing Siddiqui...
More »Suryanelli girl to follow suit
-The Hindu Kottayam: With Director General of Prosecution (DGP) T. Asif Ali advising the State government against a reinvestigation into the role of Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman P.J. Kurien in the Suryanelli rape case, the choices before the victim are narrowing down to taking the battle to the High Court. Legal advisers to the victim, speaking to The Hindu on Monday said they would file a writ petition in the High...
More »RTE's continuing woes-Abhishek Tripathi & Mani Gupta
-The Business Standard The recent judgment of the Delhi High Court upholding the right of unaided schools to apply screening procedure for nursery admissions to unreserved category of students has brought cheer to many schools, and disappointment to social activists. The schools and many parents are relieved that the cloud of uncertainty around the admission process has withered away at least for this academic year. However, the battle is far from...
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