-The Hindu The Calcutta High Court on Friday directed the West Bengal government to submit an affidavit within two weeks in response to a petition on the issue of athlete Pinki Pramanik’s mistreatment by the police. Pramanik’s gender has come into question following allegations of rape against her. A Division Bench comprising Justices J. N. Patel and Justice Sambuddha Chakrabarti heard the matter. The court has also directed the State to produce...
Nagri ire spills over-Raj Kumar
-The Telegraph A day after land protests rocked Nagri, work at the construction site of three premier educational institutions stalled on Thursday even as villagers demanding “return” of their fertile land blocked the arterial Ranchi-Patratu road a kilometre away, disrupting Hazaribagh-bound traffic from the capital throughout the day. A 100-strong mob, comprising mostly women, used a crane belonging to a contractor, to block the vital artery from 9am. Even heavy rain failed...
More »Nagri land stand-off hinges on legalities-Suman K Shrivastava
Ranchi: The state government is trying to persuade villagers of Nagri to approach the courts once again to find a solution to the dispute over land acquisition and compensation that has disrupted construction of campuses for three national institutes of learning, but the tribals are in no mood to relent. Today more than 100 villagers blocked the Ranchi-Patratu road since morning, braving sharp downpours, while the administration deployed over 100 policemen...
More »Indian police still using truth serum-Helen Pidd
-The Guardian Use of Sodium Pentothal to secure confessions – classified by some as torture – still common in certain regions of India It is the sort of scene that belongs in a film noir, not a 21st-century democracy: an uncooperative suspect being injected with a dose of "truth serum" in an attempt to elicit a confession. But some detectives in India still swear by so-called narcoanalysis despite India's highest court ruling...
More »Flashpoint Nagri erupts again
-The Telegraph Ranchi: Land politics took an ugly turn in Nagri today, leaving two dozen people, including a senior police officer, wounded and the future of three elite cradles tense. Disarmed by a recent Supreme Court snub on their claim over 218 “fertile” acres — allotted by the government for IIM, IIIT and NUSRL campuses — villagers armed with bamboo poles and iron rods partially dismantled the boundary walls of the management...
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