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Need to regulate GM crops: Sen

-The Deccan Chronicle   India needs to have a proper set of protocols and a credible regulatory mechanism to address issues related to genetically modified crops, according to Abhijit Sen, member of the Planning Commission. Mr Sen was addressing a gathering at the inaugural day of the two-day international seminar on ‘Biotechnology in Indian agriculture: performance, potential and concerns’ here on Wednesday. He said that the attempt to introduce Bt BRInjal failed because...

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RTE fails to lift learning outcomes by Prashant K Nanda

Third report in three months to highlight lack of quality education in India; poses risk to knowledge hub hopes Nearly two years after the Right to Education (RTE) Act was introduced with the promise of providing free and compulsory education to all primary school children, the learning outcome in the country has actually deteriorated in terms of quality. In yet another wake-up call for policymakers, the 2011 Annual Status of Education Report...

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Adivasi dies in police custody in Chhattisgarh by Aman Sethi

Police claim it's suicide, but medical report establishes signs of torture On the day Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh addressed a public gathering to mark the creation of Sukma district, carved out of Maoist-affected Dantewada, a custodial death in the Sukma police station underlines the difficulty in winning over a disaffected tribal populace in the backdrop of a violent counterinsurgency campaign. Podiyam Mara of Kondre village died in the police station on...

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Looking beyond Durban: Where To From Here? by Navroz K Dubash

The lesson for India after Durban is that it needs to formulate an approach that combines attention to industrialised countries’ historical responsibility for the problem with an embrace of its own responsibility to explore low carbon development trajectories. This is both ethically defensible and strategically wise. Ironically, India’s own domestic national approach of actively exploring “co-benefits” – policies that promote development while also yielding climate gains – suggests that it...

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Team Anna crusade to roll on weekend

-The Telegraph   Team Anna will start its campaign in the five poll-bound states from Saturday, almost two weeks ahead of the earlier plan it had announced. The group said it would not ask voters to back or oppose any particular party but make them aware of every party’s stand on the Lokpal bill. Team Anna had earlier said it would start its campaign from February 3 in Uttar Pradesh. Its tour plan now...

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