Anna Hazare, the 72-year-old social activist and Gandhian, on Monday slammed Union Telecommunications Minister Kapil Sibal for reportedly saying that the Lokpal Bill will not eradicate corruption from India. Hazare said that if Sibal has no faith in the proposed Lokpal then he should resign from the committee that has been formed to draft a stronger anti-corruption law. "If Kapil Sibal feels that nothing will happen from Lokpal Bill, he should...
India: Anna Hazare calls for anti-corruption protests
Hunger striking Indian activist Anna Hazare has called for mass protests by his supporters against corruption. The 72-year-old campaigner is on the fourth day of a fast to push for stringent new anti-corruption laws. He wants his followers to "fill India's jails" in a mass campaign of non-violent civil disobedience on 13 April. Thousands of people have joined Mr Hazare's protest. In recent months India has been rocked by a string of corruption...
More »Of the few, by the few by Pratap Bhanu Mehta
Sometimes a sense of unbridled virtue can also subvert democracy. The agitation by civil society activists over the Jan Lokpal Bill is a reminder of this uncomfortable truth. There is a great deal of justified consternation over corruption. The obduracy of the political leadership is testing the patience of citizens. But the movement behind the Jan Lokpal Bill is crossing the lines of reasonableness. It is premised on an institutional...
More »Hazare rejects Pawar's offer to quit from Lokpal Bill GoM
Veteran social activist Anna Hazare, who is continuing with his hunger strike demanding enactment of an anti-corruption bill to give wider powers to the Ombudsman, on Wednesday rejected Union Agriculture and Food Processing Industries Minister Sharad Pawar's offer to quit from the Group of Ministers (GoM) meant to look into the amendments required in the Lokpal Bill. 72-year-old Hazare criticizing the NCP leader said Pawar should quit his ministry anyway. Pawar today...
More »Indian activist Anna Hazare begins anti-graft fast
Indian social activist Anna Hazare has begun what he has called a "fast unto death" to pressure the government to act on corruption. The 72-year-old campaigner says he will refuse all food and drink until the government enacts a comprehensive anti-corruption law. The government has set up a committee to consider a bill, but Mr Hazare wants civil society included in the process. India has recently been hit by a series of high-profile...
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