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Meet against GM crops

The Kerala State Biodiversity Board (KSBB) is organising a national brainstorming session on genetically modified (GM) crops on February 2 and 3 to harness opinion of all States with a view to stamping out GM foods from the country. Agriculture and Forest Ministers of all the States as well as heads of State Biodiversity Boards are being invited to the national workshop. V.S. Vijayan, director of KSBB, said the workshop would...

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Protesting sugarcane growers descend on Bangalore

Sugarcane growers from across the State congregated in Bangalore on Tuesday and took out a protest rally seeking a fair and remunerative price for their produce. Around 800 protesters, under the aegis of the Karnataka State Sugarcane Growers’ Association, gathered in front of R.C. College on Palace Road and shouted slogans against Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa and Minister for Agricultural Marketing and Sugar Shivaraj Thangadagi. Addressing the farmers who had come from...

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Farmers upset by S Sundar

Paddy cultivation on over 1.50 lakh acres in three southern districts served by the Periyar river water through Vaigai dam has reached a critical situation with dwindling storage in Periyar and Vaigai reservoirs. Currently, the over 80-day standing crop in Madurai, Dindigul and Sivaganga districts is facing a shortage of around 650 mcft of water even after calculating an anticipated fresh flow into the Periyar dam of around 259 mcft. PWD...

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SCs, STs in BPL list under study by K Balchand

The Centre is contemplating direct inclusion of the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and minorities in the next below poverty line (BPL) list for entitlement of benefits under social welfare schemes. Inaugurating the two-day 10th Editors Conference on Social Sector Issues 2010 here on Monday, Minister for Rural Development C.P. Joshi said his Ministry was formulating the methodology and criteria to identify families to be included in the BPL list. The objective...

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Fisherfolk join the fight against nuclear plant in Jaitapur by Meena Menon

SAKHRI NATE (Ratnagiri district): The narrow roads in this fishing village wind down to a crisp blue creek full of frenetic activity. Across the creek is the location of the proposed Jaitapur project being built by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL). There is a primary fishing school run by the government and trainees can be seen in the campus repairing bright red nets. Near the creek, Kamal...

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