-The Hindu The Planning Commission needed to be returned to its first purposes, to its transparent and audacious planning for an India progressing without old enervations and new injustices to prosperity. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. The 18th century nursery rhyme, its original probably a riddle, is loved for the one image it invokes - a great fall. The picture of a dumpy egg, of a being...
Are women really working less in India? -CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
-The Hindu Business Line The national sample survey shows there has been a substantial shift from paid or recognised work to unpaid domestic activities for both rural and urban women There has been much discussion on the evidence from recent NSS large sample surveys on employment, of the significant decline in women's workforce participation rates. Various explanations have been offered for this, including rising real wages that have allowed women in poor households...
More »Green Revolution or Silent Spring? -KP Prabhakaran Nair
-The Hindu Business Line Chemical-intensive agriculture has ravaged our soil quality. History tells us that the consequences could be catastrophic During the 86th birthday celebrations of the Indian Council for Agricultural Research, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that Indian farmers "deserve a standing ovation". However, he reminded the gathered scientists that it was not enough to sit in five-star seminar rooms and analyse why something could not be done; rather, they should...
More »Uttarakhand launches food security scheme
-The Hindu Dehradun: The Uttarakhand government on Saturday introduced a food security scheme on the pattern of the National Food Security Act This was decided at the Cabinet meeting. The scheme will cater to the Below Poverty Line and Above Poverty Line families across the State. According to the norms set by the Centre, the State was ineligible for the implementation of the Act. Chief Minister's media in charge Surendra Agarwal said: "The...
More »Climate change — what’s that? -Radhika Mittal
-The Hindu Business Line Most Indians are not aware of, or responsive to, the issue. For this, the media is squarely responsible The Ministry of Environment and Forests is now the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change. Including climate change as a key component in the title of the ministry is all very well, but how do we envisage taking climate change and its everyday implications to the masses? A 2011 Yale...
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